

作者:北京博奥森生物技术有限公司 2022-01-10T10:46 (访问量:3792)


我们每月定期收集引用 Bioss产品发表的文献。截止目前,引用Bioss产品发表的文献共15734篇,总影响因子65607.948 分,发表在Nature / Science / Cell 以及 Immunity 顶级期刊的文献共44篇,合作单位覆盖了清华、北大、复旦、华盛顿大学、麻省理工学院、东京大学以及纽约大学等国际知名研究机构上百所。

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文章影响因子 (IF) 总分:1099.902,25分以上文献:3篇,10分以上文献:15篇;

引用 Bioss 抗体: 356支;其中 2 篇文章中引用抗体达10 支;另有,12 篇文章引用 5 至 9 支,26 篇文章引用抗体 3 至 5 支。

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本文分享来自 Nature Nanotechnology / Immunity / Cancer Cell 等期刊的 10 篇引用 Bioss 产品发表的文献摘要,让我们一起欣赏这些文章吧。

文献 1

[IF=28.824] Nature Cell Biology
Pubmed ID : 34616019
文献引用抗体bs-1754R-AF555 | Anti-ECP/AF555 pAb | IF
Institution : 中国广州中山大学孙中山纪念医院医学研究中心广东省恶性肿瘤表观遗传学与基因调控重点实验室
摘要Eosinophilic inflammation is a feature of allergic asthma. Despite mounting evidence showing that chromatin filaments released from neutrophils mediate various diseases, the understanding of extracellular DNA from eosinophils is limited. Here we show that eosinophil extracellular traps (EETs) in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid are associated with the severity of asthma in patients. Functionally, we find that EETs augment goblet-cell hyperplasia, mucus production, infiltration of inflammatory cells and expressions of type 2 cytokines in experimental non-infection-related asthma using both pharmaceutical and genetic approaches. Multiple clinically relevant allergens trigger EET formation at least partially via thymic stromal lymphopoietin in vivo. Mechanically, EETs activate pulmonary neuroendocrine cells via the CCDC25–ILK–PKCα–CRTC1 pathway, which is potentiated by eosinophil peroxidase. Subsequently, the pulmonary neuroendocrine cells amplify allergic immune responses via neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. Therapeutically, inhibition of CCDC25 alleviates allergic inflammation. Together, our findings demonstrate a previously unknown role of EETs in integrating immunological and neurological cues to drive asthma progression.

文献 2

[IF=25.841] Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Pubmed ID : 34623756

文献引用抗体bs-6703R | Anti-RAB7 pAb | IF

bs-1754R | Anti-EAR1 pAb | WB

Institution : 中国科学院上海药物研究所药物研究与药剂学中心国家重点实验室
摘要Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) fuse with not only the plasma membranes to release extracellular vesicles (EVs) but also lysosomes for degradation. Rab7 participates in the lysosomal targeting of MVBs. However, the proteins on MVB that directly bind Rab7, causing MVB recruitment of Rab7 remain unidentified. Here, we show that Coro1a undergoes neddylation modification at K233 by TRIM4. Neddylated Coro1a is associated with the MVB membrane and facilitates MVB recruitment and activation of Rab7 by directly binding Rab7. Subsequently, MVBs are targeted to lysosomes for degradation in a Rab7-dependent manner, leading to reduced EV secretion. Furthermore, a decrease in neddylated Coro1a enhances the production of tumour EVs, thereby promoting tumour progression, indicating that neddylated Coro1a is an ideal target for the regulation of EV biogenesis. Altogether, our data identify a novel substrate of neddylation and reveal an unknown mechanism for MVB recruitment of Rab7, thus providing new insight into the regulation of EV biogenesis.

文献 3

[IF=25.841] Journal of Extracellular Vesicles
Pubmed ID : 34719860
文献引用抗体bs-0813R | Anti-casein pAb | FC
Institution : 福建省厦门市集美大学食品与生物工程学院生物工程系
摘要Extracellular vesicles (EVs) have demonstrated unique advantages in serving as nanocarriers for drug delivery, yet the cargo encapsulation efficiency is far from expectation, especially for hydrophilic chemotherapeutic drugs. Besides, the intrinsic heterogeneity of EVs renders it difficult to evaluate drug encapsulation behaviour. Inspired by the active drug loading strategy of liposomal nanomedicines, here we report the development of a method, named “Sonication and Extrusion-assisted Active Loading” (SEAL), for effective and stable drug encapsulation of EVs. Using doxorubicin-loaded milk-derived EVs (Dox-mEVs) as the model system, sonication was applied to temporarily permeabilize the membrane, facilitating the influx of ammonium sulfate solution into the lumen to establish the transmembrane ion gradient essential for active loading. Along with extrusion to downsize large mEVs, homogenize particle size and reshape the nonspherical or multilamellar vesicles, SEAL showed around 10-fold enhancement of drug encapsulation efficiency compared with passive loading. Single-particle analysis by nano-flow cytometry was further employed to reveal the heterogeneous encapsulation behaviour of Dox-mEVs which would otherwise be overlooked by bulk-based approaches. Correlation analysis between doxorubicin auto-fluorescence and the fluorescence of a lipophilic dye DiD suggested that only the lipid-enclosed particles were actively loadable. Meanwhile, immunofluorescence analysis revealed that more than 85% of the casein positive particles was doxorubicin free. These findings further inspired the development of the lipid-probe- and immuno-mediated magnetic isolation techniques to selectively remove the contaminants of non-lipid enclosed particles and casein assemblies, respectively. Finally, the intracellular assessments confirmed the superior performance of SEAL-prepared mEV formulations, and demonstrated the impact of encapsulation heterogeneity on therapeutic outcome. The as-developed cargo-loading approach and nano-flow cytom.

文献 4

[IF=16.806] Advanced Science
Pubmed ID : 34708571
文献引用抗体bs-5884R | Anti-Endomucin pAb | IHC

Institution : 香港中文大学李嘉诚健康科学研究所肌肉骨骼研究实验室骨科与创伤学系创新骨科生物材料和药物转化研究实验室

摘要The neuronal engagement of the peripheral nerve system plays a crucial role in regulating fracture healing, but how to modulate the neuronal activity to enhance fracture healing remains unexploited. Here it is shown that electrical stimulation (ES) directly promotes the biosynthesis and release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) by activating Ca2+/CaMKII/CREB signaling pathway and action potential, respectively. To accelerate rat femoral osteoporotic fracture healing which presents with decline of CGRP, soft electrodes are engineered and they are implanted at L3 and L4 dorsal root ganglions (DRGs). ES delivered at DRGs for the first two weeks after fracture increases CGRP expression in both DRGs and fracture callus. It is also identified that CGRP is indispensable for type-H vessel formation, a biological event coupling angiogenesis and osteogenesis, contributing to ES-enhanced osteoporotic fracture healing. This proof-of-concept study shows for the first time that ES at lumbar DRGs can effectively promote femoral fracture healing, offering an innovative strategy using bioelectronic device to enhance bone regeneration.

文献 5

[IF=16.806] Advanced Science
Pubmed ID : 34719890
文献引用抗体bsm-33283M | Mouse Anti-Bax mAb | IHC
Institution : 广东省口腔疾病诊疗工程研究中心北京大学深圳医院广东省高水平临床重点专科口腔颌面外科
摘要Chemodynamic therapy (CDT) is an emerging treatment that usually employs chemical agents to decompose hydrogen peroxide (H₂O) into hydroxyl radical (•OH) via Fenton or Fenton-like reactions, inducing cell apoptosis or necrosis by damaging biomacromolecules such as, lipids, proteins, and DNA. Generally, CDT shows high tumor-specificity and minimal-invasiveness in patients, thus it has attracted extensive research interests. However, the catalytic reaction efficiency of CDT is largely limited by the relatively high pH at the tumor sites. Herein, a 808 nm laser-potentiated peroxidase catalytic/mild-photothermal therapy of molybdenum diphosphide nanorods (MoP NRs) is developed to improve CDT performance, and simultaneously achieve effective tumor eradication and anti-infection. In this system, MoP NRs exhibit a favorable cytocompatibility due to their inherent excellent elemental biocompatibility. Upon irradiation with an 808 nm laser, MoP NRs act as photosensitizers to efficiently capture the photo-excited band electrons and valance band holes, exhibiting enhanced peroxidase-like catalytic activity to susta
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