Enzo Life Sciences:Corticosterone(皮质酮) ELISA试剂盒-产品资讯-资讯-生物在线

Enzo Life Sciences:Corticosterone(皮质酮) ELISA试剂盒

作者:欣博盛生物科技有限公司 2023-06-09T16:46 (访问量:11626)


ENZO Corticosterone ELISA kit是一种比色竞争法酶免疫检测试剂盒,3小时内可以得到检测结果。该试剂盒与相关类固醇的交叉反应性较低,在405nm处读取吸光度。

高灵敏度,可检测低至27.0 pg/ml的皮质酮




ENZO热销产品——Corticosterone(皮质酮) ELISA kit



ADI-900-097/ ADI-901-097


Corticosterone ELISA kit(皮质酮ELISA试剂盒)


96 wells/ 5x96 wells


27.0 pg/ml


32-20,000 pg/ml


3 hours


Species independent


Corticosterone(100%),Deoxycorticosterone(21.3%), Desoxycorticosterone(21.0%), Progesterone (0.46%),

Testosterone (0.31%), Tetrahydrocorticosterone(0.28%), Aldosterone(0.18%), Cortisol(0.046%) and<0.03%:

Pregnenolone, Estradiol, Cortisone, 11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate


culture supernatants, feces, plasma, serum, and saliva from any species. Cited sample types include cell lysate,

urine and whole blood




DxS IgG Microtiter plate, Assay buffer 15 concentrate, Steroid displacement reagent, Conjugate, Antibody, Wash

buffer concentrate, Standard, pNpp Substrate, Stop solution


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2. Cannabinoid Receptor 2 Blockade Prevents Anti-Depressive-like Effect of Cannabidiol Acid Methyl Ester in Female WKY Rats: D.H. Shoval, et al.; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 3828 (2023)

3. Chemically inducible split protein regulators for mammalian cells: E. Rihtar, et al.; Nat. Chem. Biol. 19, 64 (2023)

4. Fermented Perilla frutescens Ameliorates Depression-like Behavior in Sleep-Deprivation-Induced Stress Model: H.J. Lee, et al.; Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 622 (2023)

5. Integrating Reference Intervals into Chimpanzee Welfare Research: J.C. Whitham, et al.; Animals 13, 639 (2023)

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7. The resilience of adolescent male rats to acute stress-induced delayed anxiety is age-related and glucocorticoid release-dependent: R.C. Cardoso, et al.; Neuropharmacology 226, 109385 (2023)

8. Vicarious Social Defeat Increases Conditioned Rewarding Effects of Cocaine and Ethanol Intake in Female Mice: F.R. González, et al.; Biomedicines 11, 502 (2023)

9. A Comparison of Blood Collection Techniques in Mice and their Effects on Welfare: A.P.A. Kress, et al.; J. Am. Assoc. Lab. Anim. Sci. 61, 287 (2022)

10. A non-canonical retina-ipRGCs-SCN-PVT visual pathway for mediating contagious itch behavior: F. Gao, et al.; Cell Rep. 41, 111444 (2022)

11. ACTH(6-9)-Pro-Gly-Pro ameliorates anxiety-like and depressive-like behaviour and gut mucosal microbiota composition in rats under conditions of chronic restraint stress: A.O. Vorvul, et al.; Neuropeptides 93, 102247 (2022)

12. Activation of the 5-HT7 receptor and MMP-9 signaling module in the hippocampal CA1 region is necessary for the development of depressive-like behavior: M. Bijata, et al.; Cell Rep. 15, 110532 (2022)

13. Acute stress induces an aberrant increase of presynaptic release of glutamate and cellular activation in the hippocampus of BDNFVal/Met mice: L. Musazzi, et al.; J. Cell. Physiol. 237, 3834 (2022)

14. Antibiotic-induced microbiota depletion in normally-reared adult rats mimics the neuroendocrine effects of early life stress: R.R. González, et al.; Brain Res. 1793, 148055 (2022)

15. Anxiolytic-like Effects of the Positive GABAB Receptor Modulator GS39783 Correlate with Mice’s Individual Basal Anxiety and Stress Reactivity: A.O. Bicakci, et al.; Pharmaceuticals 15, 233 (2022)

16. Cannabidiol prevents depressive-like behaviors through the modulation of neural stem cell differentiation: M. Hou, et al.; Front. Med. 16, 227 (2022)

17. CD4+/IL 4+ lymphocytes of the lamina propria and substance P promote colonic protection during acute stress: I.M. Arciniega-Martínez, et al.; Mol. Med. Rep. 25, 63 (2022)

18. Changes in striatal dopamine release, sleep, and behavior during spontaneous Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol abstinence in male and female mice: A.J. Kesner, et al.; Neuropsychopharmacology 47, 1537 (2022)

19. Chronic restraint stress produces sex-specific behavioral and molecular outcomes in the dorsal and ventral rat hippocampus: F.A. Olave, et al.; Neurobiol. Stress 17, 100440 (2022)

20. Chronic Stress Disrupts the Homeostasis and Progeny Progression of Oligodendroglial Lineage Cells, Associating Immune Oligodendrocytes With Prefrontal Cortex Hypomyelination: A.G. Kokkosis, et al.; Mol. Psychiatry 27, 2833 (2022)

ENZO热销产品——Dopamine(多巴胺)ELISA kit

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